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Overflowing with thankfulness

“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” – Colossians 2:6-7 It’s so easy to focus on the negative… it’s where...

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Finding the Flow: small group resource is back!

Finding the Flow: small group resource is back!

Many of you know I’ve worked for years alongside with my writer, Tara Miller. She is the reason—for better or worse—that I’m as prolific as I am in my written works. For a few years, she left to work as a small groups pastor at a church. When she came back—and I’m...

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Too many new Christians

Too many new Christians

When I was first planting a church, we had an enviable problem: too many new Christians. We began seeing numerous people come to faith and were trying to keep up with discipling them and helping them grow. At the time I was using a simple follow-up tool—something with...

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Happy 500th Anniversary of the Reformation!

Today marks 500 years since Martin Luther posted the 95 theses on the door of the church in Wittenberg, Germany on October 31st, 1517. It’s worth noting that he never intended to start a different church or denomination; his goal was to reform the existing church....

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The math of delegation

The math of delegation

Delegation is an essential skill for developing your team members. Not only does it take work off your own to-do list, but it helps develop others. So why don’t more leaders do it? One significant challenge is giving up control. If you don’t do it yourself, how can...

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It takes three cuts to get it right

On good communication: About 18 years ago I hired someone to help me with writing projects. One of the questions I asked at the time was, “How do you feel about taking correction and making changes?” Tara, the candidate I was interviewing, responded that she assumed...

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Responding to criticism

Responding to criticism: Do you ever get criticized? I’m guessing if you’re a ministry leader, the answer is yes (exercising my profound powers of discernment). The real question is how to handle it when criticism comes. How can you avoid reacting defensively, help...

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On the California fires

On the California fires

As many of you know, Janet and I moved to Santa Rosa in northern California this past April. After spending almost our whole lives in the Los Angeles area, this move brought a lot of changes. But one we certainly didn’t foresee was the catastrophic spread of wildfires...

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Listening to build trust

Listening to build trust: In ministry, we are inevitably dealing with people that have differences: different perspectives, different priorities, different directions. The default for most of us is to convince people of the rightness of our view. We get into a...

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In leading turnaround, start small

I’ve been coaching the new pastor of an old church. He’s very sharp and knows what needs to be done to bring about renewal and positive change. The question is not about the “what” but the “how,” and that’s what we’ve been working on. One thing he’s been doing is...

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7 Most Important Questions when Leading Change

As you consider leading change, here are the seven most important questions you need to be asking. Take some time to sit down with a pen and paper and reflect on these questions as they pertain to a particular change you are looking at making. How will you free up...

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