
Holistic Leadership Development

Leadership - Logan LeadershipYou want to develop leaders who will do what Jesus called us to do, leaders who can take the church forward into the 21st century. You look to the fields and see them, as Jesus does, ready for harvest — and you know that’s where your ministry needs to concentrate.

What’s needed is holistic leadership development — the kind of leadership development that comes from the harvest and leads people back into the harvest, resulting in subsequent generations of new believers and new leaders living as Jesus called us to live.

We can help you develop leaders the kind of leaders you need in a way that is both relational and intentional… and ultimately effective in helping your church accomplish its mission.

Getting an energy boost for ministry

Getting an energy boost for ministry

Needing a boost of energy for your ministry? So many ministry leaders are feeling worn out. If you need rest, prioritize it. But, surprisingly, rest isn’t always the answer. The issue may be with the day-to-day routine, how you’ve organized your priorities, or even...

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Mid-year goal check! 

Mid-year goal check! 

Every January 1st, you roll out ministry plans and goals with excitement and great expectations. But a lot has happened since then! Maybe you've managed to keep the status quo but a wrench or two has been thrown in when it comes to moving your vision forward. There is...

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A sermon series people need to hear

A sermon series people need to hear

There is no denying tensions are high. No one is completely happy with all that is going on in the world, in our country, or even in your own backyard. As a ministry leader, it is your job to bring the focus back to simple truths and onto Jesus. Here is a sermon...

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Ten Strategies for Handling Transition Well 

Ten Strategies for Handling Transition Well 

Changes have big impact on people. How many times have you tried to implement a good and needed change only to be met with serious resistance? You may be trying to change service times, introducing a new small group curriculum, upgrading your children's ministry...

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Got intercessors? What’s stopping you?  

Got intercessors? What’s stopping you?  

No matter what your ministry looks like, having a team of intercessors provides essential support—for both you and your ministry. Yet so many leaders don’t have an intercession team. What can that look like and how can you mobilize one?  Working with intercessors  Get...

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A trick to help reduce polarization

A trick to help reduce polarization

Part of why the world feels so divisive and oppositional today is that we are not truly seeking to understand the perspective, values, and assumptions of others. We think those that disagree with us are idiots. This is polarization. But if you could understand the...

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Overwhelmed by politics, news, and disasters? 

Overwhelmed by politics, news, and disasters? 

During a season of unrelenting news cycles—often intentionally designed to make us angry or fearful—you are deluged with a flood of information. During this season of history you are probably exposed to more world-wide coverage of cataclysmic events in a week than...

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Value outside of the spotlight

Value outside of the spotlight

The spotlight can feel pretty good. However, in a world where everything we do is posted on social media for the approval—or disapproval—of others, the words of Jesus ring especially true today:  “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others,...

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Dynamics of Leadership Training

Dynamics of Leadership Training

As a Christian leader—regardless of what type of ministry—you know you need to be intentionally developing and training new leaders. They won’t just show up ready to go, and the future of the ministry depends on it. But it can feel overwhelming to consider all the...

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Marriage and Ministry

Marriage and Ministry

If you’re at all familiar with marriage, you know people don’t generally marry someone just like themselves. They often marry someone who is quite different from them in significant ways. The life-of-the-party guy person marries the “Can we just have a small wedding...

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Not all obstacles are obvious

Not all obstacles are obvious

If you’re a big-vision kind of leader, you know the excitement of getting people on board, excited, and moving together toward a vision. You also know you need to identify your obstacles beforehand so they don’t derail your plans. Identifying those obstacles and...

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What’s positive about spiritual warfare? 

What’s positive about spiritual warfare? 

Spiritual warfare is a reality. We may use different images or metaphors to describe it—war certainly doesn’t work for everyone—but there’s a constant struggle in this life between the powers of good and the powers of evil. Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not...

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