Starting 2025 Strong
You want to see God do amazing things in and through your church in 2025. Now is the time to start. If you aren’t intentional about it, ministry in January can be kind of a wash. To help, we have outlined 5 key areas where you will want to focus on now in order to get...
Our Top Blog Posts in 2024 (and what that says about you)
One way we measure our effectiveness is through the engagement we get with the blog posts we send you. The following are the blog posts that caught your attention—and why we think they did. #1 Arrested Spiritual Development This was the top opened blog post of the...
5 Questions to Ask in December to Start the New Year Strong
There’s a lot of pressure in January. It is supposed to be a time for new beginnings but frequently January is a recovery time without a clear focus — and we fail to get traction to move forward. One of the best ways to start the new year strong is to start in...
Facilitating Faith
How do you know when someone in your congregation is struggling with their faith? What signals you that someone is ready to take a leap of faith? Often the answer is when they tell you. The trouble is people often wait to share those things until it is critical and...