Facilitating Faith

Facilitating Faith

How do you know when someone in your congregation is struggling with their faith? What signals you that someone is ready to take a leap of faith? Often the answer is when they tell you. The trouble is people often wait to share those things until it is critical and...
What no longer works—and what does

What no longer works—and what does

You are already living in the post-Christian era in the United States. It seems like it happened fast but you’ve likely been feeling the effects for a while. You know the love and peace of being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ but when you share what you...
Investing in disciplemakers

Investing in disciplemakers

How do you get people in the church to be disciplemakers instead of Christian consumers? That’s a great question, and if you’re in pastoral ministry, you’ve probably been asking it in one way or another. You don’t want people in your congregation to be consumers of...