Value outside of the spotlight

Value outside of the spotlight

The spotlight can feel pretty good. However, in a world where everything we do is posted on social media for the approval—or disapproval—of others, the words of Jesus ring especially true today:  “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others,...
Discipling movements are happening!

Discipling movements are happening!

You are a ministry leader trying to cultivate multiplying movements of disciples. It can be lengthy process and it is easy to become discouraged when people don’t respond in the timeline you gave yourself. Especially as the stats continue to point toward the...
Are your methods outdated?

Are your methods outdated?

What’s one of the biggest pitfalls experienced leaders fall into as they mentor and develop leaders from the younger generation? Defaulting to methods instead of principles. It’s so easy for us to think that what worked well for us will work well for someone else. But...
Is mentoring young leaders for you?

Is mentoring young leaders for you?

One of the biggest questions younger leaders are asking—when faced with the possibility of an older mentor—is, “Do they really care about me as a person? Or is this just part of their job?” Or more cynically, “Are they just using me to fill a slot?” The first step for...