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Lenten Series Week 4- Barnabas—an Active Listener

Barnabas moved people toward maturity rather than dependence. Instead of simply telling people what to do, he helped people mature in making their own godly decisions. In this way, people grew in responsibility and in leadership. Paul casts a beautiful vision for this...

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Lenten Series Week 3- Barnabas for Discipleship

Lenten Series Week 3- Barnabas for Discipleship

A Barnabas assumes that God has different plans for different people. What one person is supposed to do isn’t necessarily the same as what another person is supposed to do. Barnabas recognized this as he helped establish Paul among the apostles (Acts 9:26-28). We also...

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Faith in times of crisis

Faith in times of crisis

I'm sure, like me, your phone and computer are pinging regularly with urgent updates surrounding COVID-19. Absolutely follow instructions from doctors and government agencies regarding preparedness, testing, social distancing, and quarantine so as not to spread...

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Lenten Series Week 2- The Impact of Coach Barnabas

Lenten Series Week 2- The Impact of Coach Barnabas

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Each person is responsible before God, yet we live in community. In healthy, faith-based relationships, we can honor one another and hold one another accountable. Barnabas did this for Paul and...

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Lenten Series Week 1- Who is Barnabas?

Lenten Series Week 1- Who is Barnabas?

Welcome to a six-week series on Barnabas, one of my favorite people in the Bible. During this Lenten season, we can engage together in this devotional series that includes scriptural insights, food for thought, and points of action.   Often overlooked but deeply...

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The loneliness epidemic

Two years ago, the UK appointed a “Minister of Loneliness” as part of their National Health Service to tackle a rising epidemic of loneliness. Doctors could refer patients to community workers who connect people with social gatherings such as cooking classes, walking...

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Who will succeed you?

Who will succeed you?

No matter who we are, none of us is indispensable. Yet many leaders have not put much time or thought into considering who else could step into our shoes in the event of sickness, death, or other unforeseen events. Reflect on your own situation. Who could take on your...

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