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Keith Webb’s new coaching book

Keith Webb’s new coaching book

I first met Keith Webb when he was a rookie missionary in Japan. He’s grown up well and has been doing some wonderful work in coach training. Check out his new book: The COACH Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills to Solve Problems, Reach Goals, and...

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Avoiding an ambush

Avoiding an ambush

When you’re processing people, I’ve found it’s always a good idea to separate the discussion from the decision. In the church I used to pastor, we had certain decisions that needed to be taken to the congregation-- the approval of our budget and so on. What I found...

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God can clear a schedule

God can clear a schedule

I have discovered numerous times when I’m overbooked just how well God can clear a schedule. There are some times when you’re doing God’s will but you just have too much going on. Recently I was looking at my schedule on a Monday morning and there was literally too...

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Seeing God in our past

Seeing God in our past

As I’ve written about previously on my blog, we always open our gatherings by asking, “How did you experience God this week?” Recently someone responded by talking about how she experienced God by looking back on her life… thinking about the challenging points in her...

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The meeting before the meeting

The meeting before the meeting

Every meeting is really three meetings:  The meeting before the meeting, the meeting itself, then the meeting after the meeting. Very often when I’m coaching people, their first instinct when they want to accomplish something is to bring it up at the meeting and get a...

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The price of change

The price of change

One thing I’ve observed is that lots of people say they want to change or they want to see something changed. But too frequently they aren’t willing to pay the price. So I often ask, “How committed are you?” or “Are you willing to pay the price?” People will usually...

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Foreign tissue rejection

Foreign tissue rejection

Every church, team or organization develops its own culture. It has a certain DNA in terms of how the people relate to each other, what they do, and the values they live out. Sometimes when someone new joins the team, there is a mismatch of that DNA-- particularly...

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Cultivating missional movements: keep growing

Cultivating missional movements: keep growing

Note: this is the fourth entry in a series on the Cultivating Missional Movements implementation guide. God is not done with you yet. The last of the four stages in cultivating a missional movement is called “keep growing” because we never truly arrive. Using the CMM...

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Cultivating missional movements: stay with it

Cultivating missional movements: stay with it

Note: this is the third entry in a series on the Cultivating Missional Movements implementation guide. The third of the four stages in cultivating a missional movement is called “stay with it.” Sometimes it’s easier to get something started than it is to maintain it...

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Cultivating missional movements: get going

Cultivating missional movements: get going

Note: this is the second entry in a series on the Cultivating Missional Movements implementation guide by myself and Dave DeVries. The second of the four stages is called “get going.” After you’ve prepared with “get ready,” the next thing to do is to “get going.” What...

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