Note: this is the third entry in a series on the Cultivating Missional Movements implementation guide.
The third of the four stages in cultivating a missional movement is called “stay with it.” Sometimes it’s easier to get something started than it is to maintain it in a healthy way over the long-term… and for a true movement to take root, that part is essential. What’s involved in the “stay with it” stage?
- Raise missional church planters: These are the workhorses of your movement. And to truly be a movement, you’ll need to raise these people up from within– not just recruit them. How can you go about doing that? Then how do you assess, develop and support them?
- Empower missional teams: Sponsoring and then releasing teams into ministry is an essential part of both your leadership development and your wider-ranging impact. How can you effectively empower and support at the same time?
- Expand missional networks: What networks are needed? Where is God already at work? What kinds of support would actually be helpful?
Journey alongside others as you go the distance, using the Cultivating Missional Movements implementation guide, available at the Missional Toolkit website. Or join us at our upcoming Cultivating Missional Movements Workshop in Bellevue WA on Nov 20-21, 2013.