
Holistic Leadership Development

Leadership - Logan LeadershipYou want to develop leaders who will do what Jesus called us to do, leaders who can take the church forward into the 21st century. You look to the fields and see them, as Jesus does, ready for harvest — and you know that’s where your ministry needs to concentrate.

What’s needed is holistic leadership development — the kind of leadership development that comes from the harvest and leads people back into the harvest, resulting in subsequent generations of new believers and new leaders living as Jesus called us to live.

We can help you develop leaders the kind of leaders you need in a way that is both relational and intentional… and ultimately effective in helping your church accomplish its mission.

Introducing Logan Leadership

Introducing Logan Leadership

Exciting times are ahead. This is a new season of ministry for me—a time of intensified focus on what God has called me to do. I have always been passionate about making disciples from the harvest for the harvest, about multiplying authentic communities of Jesus...

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There is such a thing as a stupid question

You’ve heard teachers tell their students, “There’s no such thing as a stupid question.” That might be true for students—students might get a pass—but it’s definitely not true for coaches. Here are a few of my favorite stupid question categories. Whenever these types...

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Tangible Kingdom Primer– teenager-style

Tangible Kingdom Primer– teenager-style

About three months ago a woman at my church started going through the Tangible Kingdom Primer in a unique way—with her teenage kids. Lena ran across the book, began praying about who to read through it with, and when she showed it to her kids, ages 19, 15, and 12, she...

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Lightbulb Conversations

A few days ago I had a conversation with a friend who is also a network leader. I was telling her about the kind of work I’m going to be focusing on next—helping people return to the work of Jesus at a grassroots level, living missionally and incarnationally in the...

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Group Baptism

Let’s take some time to celebrate. Last week our church was able to participate in a baptism celebration for a number of people in the transition center network where we’re serving. Together with the residents and another church that is serving here we had over 20...

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The starfish group

One woman in my church plant has started a new group. One of the members, new to both the group and the church, wanted to call the group “the starfish group,” after the book The Starfish and the Spider—with the idea being that the group is set up to multiply right...

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Follow the promptings of the Spirit

One of my friends went to the grocery store last week. As he was checking out, he had a strong impression to buy a rack of ribs. He didn't need ribs, but the sensation didn't go away. So he bought a rack of ribs anyway. As he drove home, he decided to give the...

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Start with listening prayer

Yesterday, our house church spent time in listening prayer. We asked God questions and waited quietly to sense the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Questions raised included ones like: Lord, what should be be asking you? What have you already shown us? Where are...

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Imagine being an expectant first-time mother or father taking a parenting class. The instructor starts out talking about early infancy, and all of the pregnant women and their husbands are nodding and taking notes. But then their expressions become increasingly...

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