Yesterday, our house church spent time in listening prayer. We asked God questions and waited quietly to sense the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Questions raised included ones like:
- Lord, what should be be asking you?
- What have you already shown us?
- Where are responsive people?
- What idols need to be broken?
- Where is healing or transformation needed?
Powerful prayer begins with listening to God. As we align our hearts with God's heart, we are better positioned to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit and cooperate with what God is doing. A missional life begins with listening prayer (Mark 1:35).
What are you hearing from God?
This sounds like wonderful dialogue with God. I love that “a missional life begins with listening prayer”. How easy it is to be too busy and not take the time to be quiet before our Lord and listen! Thanks for sharing. I’m coming to God with listening ears tonight!
He who loses faith, loses all.