When I posted last time about rethinking church subsidies, I mentioned investing in leaders that have fruit rather than just potential. Some readers wondered how I would define fruit. Many of us are rightly skeptical of a system that counts success as full pews and full offering plates. Those are the easiest things to measure, but not necessarily the most reflective of kingdom work. After all, how many cults and health-and-wealth schemes are successful by this measure?

So the question remains– how do we more accurately measure the fruit of true kingdom ministry? Here are some of my ideas… please add your ideas in the comments section. 

  • People hours spent in direct service being the hands and feet of Jesus
  • Number of inclusive parties thrown involving people who are not yet followers of Jesus
  • People expressing their faith in Jesus through baptism
  • Communities of Jesus followers established
  • Leaders raised up to start new faith communities
  • Redemptive stories of God transforming lives

Jesus told us to make disciples. We count disciples in terms of changed lives… lives marked by the work of the Holy Spirit. From there, we will see more communities of gathered disciples… and those who sojourn alongside us to find out more about what this God of ours is like. I want your thoughts too. What do you think? What have you measured?