Church Planting

Living the Book of Acts

Church Planting - Logan LeadershipWe understand the challenges involved in starting a new ministry from scratch. We also understand the amazing possibilities. If you’re considering planting a church or are in the early stages, we’d love to walk alongside you through the process.

We can help you understand the different stages of planting a church—from vision to team building to leadership development. We can help you think through the essential issues to consider along the way—including prayer, finances, structure, and outreach.

And if you have a vision for planting not just one church, but many churches– a multiplying movement of churches — then you’ll definitely want to connect with us to be better prepared and resourced for the amazing adventure that lies ahead.

Two new learning communities opening this fall

One of the best ways to learn is alongside others who are embracing the same goals and facing the same challenges. We can encourage each other, build relationships, and spur one another on toward greater Kingdom impact. Are you currently investing in church planting...

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Making do with what we have

I had a follow up conversation with a group I met last year on my trip to Honduras-- Signs of Love. They are a ministry to the deaf-- you can read the background in a blog entry I wrote last year after that trip. While I was there again this year, I had a providential...

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Faithful and persistent

On my recent trip to Honduras, I was impressed anew with some of the qualities I saw in their extension teachers. An extension teacher is essentially a church planter who has planted 10 churches. At that point, they become a regional extension teacher, providing...

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What happens when extension chains break?

Yesterday I wrote about extension chains in Honduras. But what happens when they break or stop functioning? One of the stops Humberto (church multiplication movement leader for the region) made while I was along for the ride was to address one of those cases. One of...

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The missing link

In Honduras, they take extension chains seriously. An extension chain is what’s described in 2 Timothy 2:2: And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others. One person shares...

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“If you need it you can take it”

Those were the words of a woman none of us had ever met before, out in the middle of what I would consider nowhere. We had traveled 5 hours by truck over rough, rocky roads and stream crossings in rural Honduras, going slowly through mountain switchbacks, when it...

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