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Bring your team

I attended a conference recently where some people came as individuals and others came with teams from their churches. One group came with a team of seven people. Although they did some arguing along the way, they will go back with quite a bit of focused interaction...

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John Wesley

  As many of you who know me are aware, one of my personal heroes is John Wesley. I love it that not only did he lead evangelistic meetings that brought thousands to Christ, but that he also created a follow-up system for the post-conversion period. In doing so,...

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Righteous desperation

Jesus hung out with those who had tried all the other options. These are people who, like King Solomon, have already tried every other way to fill the void… so they know God is the only answer. They have a righteous desperation. The early disciples often felt the same...

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Working in isolation

Many leaders get road-blocked on their way to reaching their goals simply due to lack of connection with others. It sounds simple, but it’s essential—we need other people along the way with us. We need additional perspectives and fresh ideas. We need sounding boards...

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Seeing through God’s eyes

Dave Daubert has a woman in his congregation who reads the local paper through God's eyes. What she means by this is that as she reads the newspaper, she looks for good things people have done. When she finds them, she sends a thank you note:  "I noticed you did ____....

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Going for a swim

Learning new ministry roles is like learning to swim: there are various skills we need to learn and then we need to coordinate them together. First we watch someone swim. Then we start working on individual skills:  we learn to blow bubbles, put our head underwater,...

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Let’s journey together!

Let’s journey together!

You have a clear vision and yet you aren't making as much progress as you'd like. A strategically focused coaching relationship can double or triple your ministry effectiveness. Contact me at [munge] to set up a 30 minute conversation...

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The cost of release

As leaders, we are tempted to take our best people and keep them tied into institutional responsibilities, which more often than not keeps them away from the mission. We take our business people and put them on boards and committees. We enlist our artists to help...

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Structures vs. Mission

Fifteen years ago I was speaking in Australia on what it means to live missionally. One person raised his hand and said, “Our church structures don’t allow us to do what you’re talking about.” I responded, “If your church structures keep you from following what Jesus...

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Where would Jesus hang out?

Here’s my challenge to you today:  Go ask a random person on the street, “If Jesus were here today, what would he be doing?”  If you’re brave, you can come back and post the responses you get here on this blog. Here’s my prediction:  not one person will say that Jesus...

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The soapbox derby

The soapbox derby

When I was 12 years old, I wanted to build a car to race in a soapbox derby. My dad sat down with me and gave me this choice:  “You can do it to have fun or you can do it to win. If you want to do it to win, here’s what it’s going to take….” And he laid out the hours...

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How to fail at coach training

Here’s a fool-proof way to fail in your coach training endeavors:  Train everybody, right now, in big groups. In so doing, you’re denying the very methodology that makes coaching powerful. You can’t produce coaches on a factory assembly line. Good coaches are more...

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