See Lives Transformed
Why did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation.
Churches and ministries only grow as well as the disciples they develop. It’s time to go back to the basics with a focus on discipleship. We can help you create a simple, relational, yet focused system that can help you get traction for making disciples at all levels.
Experiencing God for… Skeptics?
Is there room for skeptics in your congregation? Thomas (the disciple) gets a bad rap to this day and to be called a “Doubting Thomas” is considered an insult. Yet if you look at it from a learning styles standpoint, you will recognize that a great deal of the world...
What is the point of Christian Community?
Across the nation there are thousands of churches that are only remnants of what they once were. Maybe your church is one of them… or will be one day. The faithful few who are left in these communities have something special—each other. They are tight-knit groups, who...
Six Steps to Make and Multiply Disciples
What is your mission statement? It may be worded differently or expressed differently or put forth with a unique emphasis, but the basic mission of any Christian church is always the same: to make disciples. After all, that’s what Jesus left us to do: Then Jesus came...
Transforming prayer in your church
Have you ever felt uncomfortable praying? It’s pretty common. That can show itself in hesitance to pray aloud in a small group or even the fear of praying “wrong” in private prayer. Many people feel there is a code to prayer that they have not been able to break. As...
The tension between grace and obedience
Having experienced the grace and mercy of God, you in turn want to obey God and live within biblical instruction for you trust that God’s plan is good. Hidden in that statement is a tension between grace and obedience. It is by grace you were saved, now go and obey....
Is church feeling dry? Here’s what’s missing…
Sometimes it feels like your people know all the right answers, but are having none of the right experiences. What can you do about that? Although you can’t force it, you can help reorient them to focus on the right things. If they get more intentional about becoming...
What does healthy discipleship look like to you?
Spring is all about planting seeds. Even though most of us don’t live in farming communities, many of us still plant seeds in the spring. We plan ahead, envisioning what we want summer to look like, and taking steps to make that a reality. Yet it’s not really us who...
What is the main point of the church?
Answer: To make disciples! That is what Jesus called the church to do in the great commission: disciplemaking. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to...
You are a Grace Ambasssdor
Grace Ambassador: A new book by Dr. John Jackson I’m delighted to announce the release of an important new book by my friend, Dr. John Jackson. I met him in fall of 2012 and, through his role as President of Jessup University, I could immediately see his passion for...
Top 7 reasons churches won’t look out their windows
Why are so many of our churches today insular and siloed, unable—or unwilling—to look out the window at the world beyond our walls? Here are seven of the top barriers to engaging with those around us: 1. We aren’t experiencing God ourselves. If we’re not...