Using coaching skills in groups

Using coaching skills in groups

When most people think about coaching, they think about one-on-one conversations or one-on-one relationships. Although that’s how it’s most commonly done, it’s far from the only way coaching can be effective. In fact, bringing others who are similarly invested...

The country church and the town church

A man I know pastors two congregations: one in a rural area and another in a small town. As he was talking with his coach about how to get effective discipleship processes in place in both contexts, he pieced together some principles that could be helpful to many...

Outcome-based learning communities

There are three different types of networks. One comes together primarily for support. The people get together, build relationships, encourage each other, and pray for each other. As long as you show up and are helpful, the network fulfills its purpose. A second type...

Pastoring the City

I am often amused at young church planters that launch out with the perspective that it is up to them to reach the city for Jesus. As a church planter myself, I remember thinking our church would be the better alternative than the church down the road. How needed were...

Trust the process

I have found this to be true among ministry leaders. The greater the fruitfulness, the greater the need to pull away and reconnect with God for perspective and re-prioritize. As leaders, we need to find ways to protect ourselves and our time, while still providing...