Admittedly, there is a tension between tasks and callings. If you have people you are overseeing, you likely do have certain tasks you need to get accomplished. They also likely have their own callings that dovetail with yours in some ways but not in others. Often certain tasks you assign can help them grow their skills and at the same time take those tasks off your own to-do list. Yet there are other ways people may need to grow that do not overlap with your to-do list. 

Balancing tasks and growing the potential of your

A Key Conversation

An important part of the equation is having a clarifying conversation to help people discern their calling and to identify how they could move toward that. Think of someone you are overseeing, set aside an hour with them, and try asking them these questions about their development and growth:

  • What accomplishments have been most satisfying since last time we met?
  • How did you use your strengths to make a difference?
  • In way ways have you grown in your skills?
  • How do you want to grow in your leadership?
  • What are you sensing from God? 
  • What new challenges would you enjoy?
  • How can I be helpful to you in your development?

Plan for Development

Most likely, you will receive some answers aligned with things you need to get done and other answers that take the person in different directions. That’s okay, and you can often combine the two to craft a unique development plan for this individual. But try going into the conversation without your own pre-set agenda and with a heart toward helping the other person toward whatever God has for them. 

Two Birds…

When as a leader you prioritize people development over task accomplishment, you will often find you accomplish both. After talking with a person, maybe send them away with one assignment from your to-to list that will genuinely help develop skills they need… and also give them one assignment or one application of their skills in an area that doesn’t benefit your own ministry goals. 

If you are a leader, one of your ministry goals IS actually developing other leaders. And that means you setting aside time to serve them. 

When as a leader you prioritize people development over task accomplishment, you will often find you accomplish both. Share on X


Becoming Barnabas-  How can you disciple, develop, and support those around you? How can that relational investment lead to a powerful impact on the church and on the surrounding community? This book focuses on practical “how” questions like these. If you want to see ministry coaches activated in your community, Becoming Barnabas is the place to start. Available in paperback and Kindle and in English and Spanish. If you are ready to grow a team of ministry coaches, Barnabas Ministry Training is a turn-key kit with links to video instruction from Bob Logan, Facilitator and Participant Guides.

The Leadership Difference– If you are running up against barriers that aren’t specifically theological but are more about how to lead people and get along with them as you work together, this is the book for you.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash