See Lives Transformed
Why did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation.
Churches and ministries only grow as well as the disciples they develop. It’s time to go back to the basics with a focus on discipleship. We can help you create a simple, relational, yet focused system that can help you get traction for making disciples at all levels.
Real-Life Discipleship
I recently picked up a copy of Real-Life Discipleship by Jim Putman and was glad to see all of the practical help for making discipleship work in everyday churches. While he lays out the specifics of how his own church practices disciplemaking, he doesn’t stipulate...
Do something
Someone once criticized D.L. Moody for his evangelism methods. His response: “I like my way of doing evangelism better than your way of not doing evangelism.” It’s like that with discipleship too. Sometimes we multiply so many options that we don’t do anything at all....
Making discipleship doable
Jesus said to make disciples—that’s a command for all believers. Therefore, whatever we do to make disciples needs to be doable by everyone. Let’s not make it complicated. Keep it simple and reproducible so that everyone can do it and everyone can teach others to do...
The Map
Most of you are familiar with the host site for my blog, www.loganleadership.com. But you may be less familiar with one of Logan Leadership’s sister sites: www.journeytogethernow.com. The main focus of that site is on discipleship. There I’ve created a map for...
What is an apprentice?
I just ran across an important thought from Hugh Halter’s new book, Sacrilege: Finding Life in the Unorthodox Ways of Jesus: Here's how you can know if you are actually an apprentice: people respond to you like they did to Jesus people are drawn to you people seek you...
New resources available
You may remember that a while back I launched Journey Together Now, a new website for lay leaders. The site includes a “map” of the 9 foosteps of Jesus that people in discipling relationships can work through together on their spiritual journeys. Now Journey Guides...
Finally a site for your lay people… Journey Together Now!
We at Logan Leadership have put together a new website as a service to those wanting to live more incarnationally and missionally. If you want a site that empowers your people to help each other along that journey, you’ve been looking for Journey Together...
Building A Discipling Culture
Yesterday, we heard from Brian Williamson. The book he's been using in his ministry is called Building a Discipling Culture. One of the really helpful things in this book is the quadrant it provides for exploring the invitation-challenge model. In the context of...
The Map
Everyone says, “We need to live differently. We need to live more incarnationally, more missionally?” But what does that look like? And how do we actually do it? What are the key indicators that we’re moving in the right direction? We see the need. Now we need the...
Make Disciples
Discern spiritual curiosity Share the story of Jesus Help others follow Jesus Seeing as it was the last thing Jesus told us to do before his ascension, we should spend some quality time thinking through what it means to make disciples. How do we make disciples? What...