See Lives Transformed
Why did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation.
Churches and ministries only grow as well as the disciples they develop. It’s time to go back to the basics with a focus on discipleship. We can help you create a simple, relational, yet focused system that can help you get traction for making disciples at all levels.
Consider Your Legacy… No Matter Your Age
As a Christian leader, your future is in the Kingdom of God. What you leave behind here is not wealth, accomplishments, big buildings, awards, crowds, etc. Your legacy will be found in the impact you have had on others. With that in mind, no matter your age you have...
3 Arenas for Worship
You've heard it touted as a solid reason to not trust the church—hypocrisy. Honest reflection will likely reveal that you are similarly frustrated as a leader in ministry... Why aren't people changing to reflect the grace of God in their lives? The hope you have in...
You want the church to grow? Making more and better disciples.
If you are like the leaders I meet with regularly, then discipleship is something you want to get right. Easier said than done. Much like recovery from addiction, being transformed into the image of Christ requires focus on self—why do I do what I don't want to do?...
Who are you talking to?
It's so hard to watch people leave the church. You have watched kids grow up and turn away from the faith that you helped raise them in and you have had whole families disappear, maybe without so much as a goodbye. It hurts. These people were and extended part of your...
The Tension between Tasks and Callings
Admittedly, there is a tension between tasks and callings. If you have people you are overseeing, you likely do have certain tasks you need to get accomplished. They also likely have their own callings that dovetail with yours in some ways but not in others. Often...
Investing in those you oversee
If you are leading a ministry or a ministry area within a larger organization, you likely have people you oversee. These people may be paid staff or they may be volunteers, but either way it’s a useful exercise to sit down and think through how to lead these people...
The Missional Cohort Model
In the spirit of Ephesians 4:12, part of your calling is to equip God’s people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up. Especially if you are equipping multiple congregations and ministries. You want to equip leaders well for the work of the...
Small Groups: Guidelines and Norms
Every group has norms, whether they are stated or unstated, examined or unexamined. If you are overseeing small groups in your ministry, I would suggest there are significant advantages to be had by stating, examining, processing, and reinforcing small groups...
NEW BOOK! An Undivided Heart
Early in the pandemic, I was talking with my friend Ralph Plumb about the role of compassion in the Kingdom of God and in society. Ralph is widely traveled with much of those travels focused on the relief of human suffering. He also served the Union Rescue Mission in...
Discipleship Principles vs. Methodology
Methods, approaches, and styles change over time. Different strategies work in different seasons. Trends in ministry come and go. Yet I wonder: among all the change, what stays the same? As the culture shifts and changes around us, what proven principles remain firm...