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Straight talk from a church planter

Straight talk from a church planter

Enjoy the entry below, courtesy of one of the church planters I’m coaching:  We had gotten to the point of starting a worship service, but it was not going well. Something was wrong. Not the numbers, those were okay. But we weren’t attracting the crowd I was looking...

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What’s the problem?

What’s the problem?

Here’s one of my favorite diagrams to use when you’re having a problem with someone who is in a specific ministry role-- whether it’s a staff role or a volunteer role. When something just doesn’t seem to be working, start by asking, “Does this person understand their...

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Enthusiasm without haste

Enthusiasm without haste

"Enthusiasm without knowledge is no good; haste makes mistakes." -- Proverbs 19:2 NLT Often when we jump ahead and move too quickly, we make mistakes. The power of coaching is to help us slow down enough to process and consider-- making wise implementation much more...

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Creating a coaching culture in your church

Creating a coaching culture in your church

Many of you have thought a lot about creating a coaching culture in your church. How would it look to start taking steps in that direction? Here are some “what ifs” to help you start visualizing the process: Getting a cohort of coaches-in-training together for mutual...

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How to train missional coaches

How to train missional coaches

You know that to help people live and love like Jesus, coaching is critical. So how do you train up good coaches? Sure, you could send them to a training event and have them do some reading. But you also need to help coaches-in-training get some hands-on experience: ...

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Why coaching is crucial to the missional agenda

Why coaching is crucial to the missional agenda

You want to lead your church in a missional direction. Why is coaching the route to getting there? Why not just teach on it? Coaching provides an experiential type of hands-on learning. People who experience powerful coaching grow more rapidly. They have someone who...

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Why missional coach training?

Why missional coach training?

Missional coach training is for those who have a big vision for the future of their ministry. It’s for those who want to position their ministry to serve and impact the surrounding culture. It’s for those who want to be on the leading edge of change in ministry today,...

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Nothing new under the sun

Nothing new under the sun

Have you been around long enough to see bell-bottom jeans come into style, go out, then come back in again? I have. And I’ve noticed the same type of trends in ministry. There’s nothing new under the sun. What’s old is new again. Take the church growth movement for...

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When you feel hurt

When you feel hurt

Here is something I try to do when I feel attacked or hurt by another person: “You have heard the law that says, ‘ Love your neighbor ’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true...

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Defragging your life

Defragging your life

Technicians recommend running a “defrag” periodically to clean up a computer. The process compresses old files and reorganizes them so the computer can function faster and more efficiently. Although it could seem like taking the time to defrag is just one more thing...

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