The banning of large gatherings doesn’t stop us from being the church and living as the church. As of now, some are still able to gather in small groups while practicing social distancing, but everyone with a smartphone, tablet, or computer is able to meet with others via videoconferencing. We can live our lives out in Christ together in community without large group gatherings: the early church did it for many years.

The large gathering of the church is not the main expression of the Body of Christ; it’s wise therefore that we not be too dependent on it in our journeys as disciples. The church in the book of Acts was lived out in homes, in relationships, in the marketplaces, in the neighborhoods. It’s here that we spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

The large gathering of the church is not the main expression of the Body of Christ; it’s wise therefore that we not be too dependent on it in our journeys as disciples. Share on X

If your church is really healthy, canceling worship services at your building does not mean the work of the church is shut down. People might find they have more time and energy available to live as the church, just in a decentralized fashion.  Encourage your people to make the most of every opportunity.

Therefore, whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone—especially to those in the family of faith (Galatians 6:10).

If your church is healthy, canceling worship services at your building does not mean the work of the church is shut down. People might find they have more time and energy available to live as the church, just in a decentralized fashion. Share on X

What are some ways we can do this right now?

A few ways to live on mission as the church during the COVID-19 crisis

  • Offer to drop off groceries or other necessities for elderly neighbors
  • Spend time praying for others
  • Encourage others by text and by phone
  • Be a calming presence in a time of chaos
  • Donate to the needy in your area
  • Be in touch with your neighbors to be aware of what their needs are
  • Spend quality time with your family
  • Be intentional about having spiritual conversations with your children
  • Share your food and supplies with those in need

What other ways have you found to live on mission for such a time as this? 

In many ways, a time such as this can serve as a wakeup call. If we are truly living in community, the suspension of Sunday services shouldn’t actually have much of an impact. We can continue loving one another, worshipping God, serving others, caring and praying for our communities, and living out our faith.


Guide for Discipling– Filled with bible passages and thought-provoking questions, this small group curriculum is for people ready to grow. As an added bonus, this downloadable resource is extremely affordable as we have extended permissions to allow for one purchase per small group.

Map of Discipleship- This FREE downloadable map helps you readily assess where someone currently is in their journey of discipleship as well as where God may be prompting them to grow next.

Coaching- It’s easy to be derailed from your calling by the tyranny of the urgent. Coaching can help you keep a big-picture perspective and help you take the next right step toward your goals. Dr. Bob Logan is currently accepting new clients. To set up a complimentary 30-minute introductory call, email admin@loganleadership.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash