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A trick to help reduce polarization
Part of why the world feels so divisive and oppositional today is that we are not truly seeking to understand the perspective, values, and assumptions of others. We think those that disagree with us are idiots. This is polarization. But if you could understand the...
Overwhelmed by politics, news, and disasters?
During a season of unrelenting news cycles—often intentionally designed to make us angry or fearful—you are deluged with a flood of information. During this season of history you are probably exposed to more world-wide coverage of cataclysmic events in a week than...
Value outside of the spotlight
The spotlight can feel pretty good. However, in a world where everything we do is posted on social media for the approval—or disapproval—of others, the words of Jesus ring especially true today: “Watch out! Don’t do your good deeds publicly, to be admired by others,...
Dynamics of Leadership Training
As a Christian leader—regardless of what type of ministry—you know you need to be intentionally developing and training new leaders. They won’t just show up ready to go, and the future of the ministry depends on it. But it can feel overwhelming to consider all the...
Marriage and Ministry
If you’re at all familiar with marriage, you know people don’t generally marry someone just like themselves. They often marry someone who is quite different from them in significant ways. The life-of-the-party guy person marries the “Can we just have a small wedding...
Not all obstacles are obvious
If you’re a big-vision kind of leader, you know the excitement of getting people on board, excited, and moving together toward a vision. You also know you need to identify your obstacles beforehand so they don’t derail your plans. Identifying those obstacles and...
What’s positive about spiritual warfare?
Spiritual warfare is a reality. We may use different images or metaphors to describe it—war certainly doesn’t work for everyone—but there’s a constant struggle in this life between the powers of good and the powers of evil. Ephesians 6:12: For our struggle is not...
Discipling movements are happening!
You are a ministry leader trying to cultivate multiplying movements of disciples. It can be lengthy process and it is easy to become discouraged when people don't respond in the timeline you gave yourself. Especially as the stats continue to point toward the decline...
Part 2 of our Interview with Dennis Bachman
Today is part two of an interview with Dennis Bachman, who works with younger leaders. If you missed part 1, check out last week’s blog entry. What are some common stumbling blocks more experienced leaders run into? Impatience and making premature assumptions....
Success in mentoring younger leaders
It is possible to mentor younger leaders and make a difference. What strategies are really the most effective? We sat down with Dennis Bachman of ViaCordis, who spends a good deal of his time working with younger leaders with success to find out. Here's Part 1 of our...
Are your methods outdated?
What’s one of the biggest pitfalls experienced leaders fall into as they mentor and develop leaders from the younger generation? Defaulting to methods instead of principles. It’s so easy for us to think that what worked well for us will work well for someone else. But...
Is mentoring young leaders for you?
One of the biggest questions younger leaders are asking—when faced with the possibility of an older mentor—is, “Do they really care about me as a person? Or is this just part of their job?” Or more cynically, “Are they just using me to fill a slot?” The first step for...