Work With Us

How Logan Leadership can help you

Were all about helping you get where you want to go. That looks different for different ministry organizations. Depending on your goals, we can provide targeted coaching, training, resource development, assessment, and/or consulting. 

Over the years, weve helped hundreds of churches, denominations and mission organizations get where they want to go. That can mean implementing discipleship processes, retooling their leadership development, turning around congregations in decline, or any number of other aims. 

The best way to get started is to look around the website, then contact us to discuss what youd like to accomplish.


Coaching can double or triple your ministry effectiveness.

Coaching gives you the follow through you need to accomplish the goals you’ve set for yourself and your ministry. Contact us for a free conversation to discuss your coaching needs.

Coaching - Logan Leadership

Christian coaching vs. ICF coaching: Comparing Ethical Guidelines

How is Christian coaching different from secular coaching? I asked Gary Reinecke, of InFocus, to explain the differences between International Coaching Federation and Christian Coaching. This week and next, we will share his wisdom on the topic, beginning today with...

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How to continue supporting your seasoned leaders

Often when we have invested in developing leadership and they have demonstrated a particular level of competency, we consider them finished. They are now leaders and can go lead. Yet continued—and targeted—investment in your seasoned leaders can help keep them growing...

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Can consulting increase your effectiveness?

We can enter your ministry situation to help you find contextualized solutions. Contact us for a free conversation to discuss your consulting needs.

Consulting - Logan Leadership

A proven process for extracting the wisdom in the room

There’s a saying that you don’t want to know or see how the sausage is made. Yet in the context of resource development, the process can be fascinating. At Logan Leadership, we have developed a procedure by which we gather knowledge from various practitioners and...

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Introducing the Lutheran version of our discipleship guides

Did you know we now have customized Lutheran versions of our discipleship guides available? We’ve now produced three denominational versions. In addition to the Lutheran version, we also have Vineyard and Episcopal versions available. What we do is start with the...

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Training - Logan Leadership


How can you best equip your people for ministry?

What kind of training do you need? We design interactive training systems geared toward coaches, church planters, disciplers, pastors and key leaders. Contact us for a free conversation to discuss your training needs.

Discern the core principles from your experience

You want to make a difference. Your experience can help others. However, you don't want to create little clones of yourself, you want to empower others to have their own experience and live into who God created them to be. Discerning the core principles from your own...

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Translating Your Experience to Magnify Your Impact

I recently taught a live one-hour webinar for a group of graduate students who have some type of experience or learning in a particular area that they want to pass on to others. They want to help others learn how to do what they have done. It's a matter of translating...

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How can I find more volunteers? 

Even in its simplest form, churches need to get certain tasks accomplished. Whether it’s greeting people warmly, setting up chairs, providing food, or any number of other practical matters, you need volunteers. The church is a volunteer-based organization. We all need...

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Speaking - Logan Leadership

Catalyzing Leaders. Inspiring Growth.

Bob Logan is available for speaking engagements throughout the year. Contact us to learn more.