
Holistic Leadership Development

Leadership - Logan LeadershipYou want to develop leaders who will do what Jesus called us to do, leaders who can take the church forward into the 21st century. You look to the fields and see them, as Jesus does, ready for harvest — and you know that’s where your ministry needs to concentrate.

What’s needed is holistic leadership development — the kind of leadership development that comes from the harvest and leads people back into the harvest, resulting in subsequent generations of new believers and new leaders living as Jesus called us to live.

We can help you develop leaders the kind of leaders you need in a way that is both relational and intentional… and ultimately effective in helping your church accomplish its mission.

Making serving relational and inclusive

Making serving relational and inclusive

A church had been engaging in a Saturday morning food distribution ministry to neighborhood families. One man at the church drove by and saw all these people lined up, waiting in line for the food distribution. That gave the man an idea: interact with them. Here they...

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Sometimes it helps to draw a picture

Sometimes it helps to draw a picture

Here’s a thought following yesterday’s blog entry where I wrote about the book The Back of the Napkin. I was once coaching a church planter who is much more of an artist-type person. He wanted to reach the arts community, which was in a downtown area. He had trouble...

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Vocabulary matters

When I was pastoring a church, we used to have a membership class. However, we realized that by calling it membership class, that meant people had to pre-decide that they wanted to become members before attending. So we had people getting involved and hanging around...

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The muddled middle

Today, a client’s perspective on how coaching has helped him. From guest blogger Ryan Bearschell of The Salvation Army. I have this common time period every day from 1-4 pm where I’m just no good. I’m tired and unproductive-- I call it my “brainless time” or my...

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How do you train missional coaches well?

Sure, you can send them to a training event and have them do some reading.  But if you really want a practical level of competency, you also need to help coaches-in-training get some hands-on experience:  living missionally themselves, practicing coaching, getting...

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Why get missional coach training?

Why get missional coach training?

Ministry leaders are at least 50% more effective with coaching. They need someone who will listen, ask them questions, and help them reflect on what they’re hearing from God. They need someone who will help them develop action plans and stay accountable to completing...

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