We interrupt this series on “Things I learned by working with inner city middle schoolers” to bring you the following announcement. Our regularly scheduled series will pick up again this Friday.

Do you have a big vision for the future of your ministry? Take an important first step in the right direction:  equip yourself and your ministry with missional coach training August 28-29 in Los Angeles. It helps you…

  • Empower new young leaders that God is raising up within your ministry
  • Launch missional pilot projects that impact the surrounding communities for Jesus
  • Guide your missional leaders toward creating sustainable systems as their ministries grow
  • Foster the creative thinking that leads to discovery of contextual, outside-the-box solutions
  • Apply missional theory to real-life ministry situations
  • Encourage an organization-wide multiplication outlook

This 9-month training process launches with a two-day in-person training event, followed by an intensive coaching practicum with mentoring. The net result: to help you increase your capacity for empowering individuals, church leaders, pastors and church planters in effective missional ministry and church development.

Get details and register at eventbrite.