See Lives Transformed
Why did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation.
Churches and ministries only grow as well as the disciples they develop. It’s time to go back to the basics with a focus on discipleship. We can help you create a simple, relational, yet focused system that can help you get traction for making disciples at all levels.
Colin Noyes on the Holy Spirit
This blog entry is the last in a four-part series based on an interview with Colin Noyes, author of As You Go: Make Disciples. Colin is one of the sharpest international leaders I know. His insights into the field of discipleship are well-researched and honest, and he...
Colin Noyes on how history can help us make disciples today
This blog entry is the third in a four-part series based on an interview with Colin Noyes, author of As You Go: Make Disciples. Colin is one of the sharpest international leaders I know. His insights into the field of discipleship are well-researched and honest, and...
Colin Noyes on interacting with potential disciples
This blog entry is the second in a four-part series based on an interview with Colin Noyes, author of As You Go: Make Disciples. Colin is one of the sharpest international leaders I know. His insights into the field of discipleship are well-researched and honest, and...
Colin Noyes on Discipleship
This blog entry is the first in a four-part series based on an interview with Colin Noyes, author of As You Go: Make Disciples. Colin is one of the sharpest international leaders I know. His insights into the field of discipleship are well-researched and honest, and...
Seven questions to use in discipling relationships
Plenty of people like the idea of discipling someone, but actually setting out to do it can feel intimidating. We feel unqualified, like we don't know enough, aren't good enough, or just don't know how. Where would we even start? How to start discipling others Here's...
A brutal honesty
In this season, isolation and anxiety are understandably commonplace. As church leaders, these times mean rethinking everything while managing staff, congregational expectations, dwindling financial reserves, and more. You are doing more than ever and you need God...
Listen, reflect, engage: voices for justice
I am hesitant to add my voice to all of the other voices speaking at this time in history. Do I have anything new or original to add? I do not. Yet I choose to add my voice for the simple reasons of solidarity and of the potential dangers of silence. As Dietrich...
Your chance to hit the reset button
What will your church look like after Covid-19? Within every crisis lies an opportunity: How can you re-emerge stronger? How can you use this season to focus on something that will really make a difference? As churches begin to gather again it's time to ask: Do you...
Intentional conversations to grow as disciples
Are you looking for ways to measure discipleship growth? Numbers are indeed important to measure but, as we discussed last week, we can get distracted from the real goal by looking too closely or solely at attendance. Making and growing disciples is the goal. But...
The metrics of quarantine worth measuring
Since at least the beginning of the church growth movement in 1961, we have been trying to find quantitative measurements for success. As a former science major, I can appreciate that emphasis on results. How would we otherwise know if we were doing well or not? We...