Coaching, Leadership, Networking
The final of the four essential elements for making any network fully functional is focused prayer. Investing time in praying together provides the spiritual and relational support people need to do the difficult work of the ministry together. Prayer with and for one...
Coaching, Leadership, Networking
The third of the four essential elements for making any network full functional is peer relationships. Peer relationships are the most attractive part of a network for pastoral leaders. There is nothing like a roomful of people who are sharing the risk, joy and...
Coaching, Leadership, Networking
The second of the four essential elements for making any network fully functional is personalized coaching. Powerful networks always have effective coaching relationships. In a sense, a network is a coaching system—a coaching environment—much more so than a series of...
Coaching, Leadership, Networking, Training
One of the four essential elements for making any network fully functional is an emphasis on adult learning. This engages participants through appropriate activities and reflection. It is learner-oriented rather than teacher-oriented. Consider these principles of...
Coaching, Leadership, Networking
Exciting things are happening in some churches. Others are encountering struggles. Leaders are looking for ideas, for encouragement. You can see the connections that would be helpful… but it feels like no one knows about them but you. Everyone is doing their own...
Coaching, Leadership, Teambuilding
It continues to be amazing to me how people in supervisory positions tend to focus on what they themselves are trying to do and not so much on how they can develop their staff. They are focused on what they can do, not on what they can develop their staff to do. I...