Exciting things are happening in some churches. Others are encountering struggles. Leaders are looking for ideas, for encouragement. You can see the connections that would be helpful… but it feels like no one knows about them but you. Everyone is doing their own thing. How can you get planters more connected with other planters, pastors more connected with other pastors?


A missional network is a supportive, connectional environment to facilitate personal spiritual growth and the accomplishment of biblical mission.  Most effective biblical ministry comes out of teams or communities. We were never designed to be in this alone– we were designed to give and receive support from others. (See Hebrews 10:24-25 and Ephesians 4:11-16 for just a couple of scriptural examples of how networks work.)

Missional networks are learning communities focused on accomplishing the mission together—and we can help create these in our own contemporary contexts… among planters, pastors, mission leaders, and coaches. The key questions that are asked within a network are:

  • What are others doing?
  • What can I learn from them?
  • What can I offer them?
  • How can we support each other?
  • What are the next steps?

Over the rest of this week’s blog entries, we’ll look at the four keys that make networks really work.