All about Ds

All about Ds

This entry is part of a series on the DiSC profile. If you’d like to see the whole series, you can do a search for DiSC on this blog. As I shared yesterday, I am a high D. Full disclosure: I top out the chart on being a D. Ds value results. They want to get things...
A resource that saved my ministry

A resource that saved my ministry

I was a young church planter, probably about a year into the new church plant, when I bought a day of consulting. As a part of that process, consultant Dan Reeves gave me a personal profile system that is now called DiSC. (And yes, for reasons unknown, the i is lower...
The mean art teacher

The mean art teacher

Every once in a while, when I’m sketching out a diagram to represent an idea, I find myself apologizing for my lack of artistry. Fortunately, my job doesn’t require much by way of drawing skills, but I do have to sketch the occasional diagram or flow chart to...
How change really happens

How change really happens

A while back I read an old classic article in the Harvard Business Review that used a brilliant phrase: “running down the corridors of comparative indifference.” That’s a preferred way to lead change. Instead of trying to make big changes in obvious places–...
Pastor to the Community: Discernment

Pastor to the Community: Discernment

By guest blogger Randy Lovejoy, part 2 of 2. As I open the door and walk in I feel the cool air hit my face. It is 8:20am and it is already beginning to heat up in the Echo Park community in Los Angeles. But the air conditioning combined with the sepia colored...
The mean art teacher

The importance of planning as a process

So often in planning, people try to focus on the plan itself– the end result. What’s actually much more important is the engagement of people in the discernment process, seeking God, and walking together through the discovery of what God wants them to do....
A classic resource for small groups leaders

A classic resource for small groups leaders

An oldie but a goodie, Carl George’s Nine Keys to Effective Small Group Leadership is still one of the very best resources out there for small group leaders. Check out a preview of his nine keys below… then buy copies of the book for each of your leaders....