The importance of planning as a process

So often in planning, people try to focus on the plan itself– the end result. What’s actually much more important is the engagement of people in the discernment process, seeking God, and walking together through the discovery of what God wants them to do....

Opening the door to organic change

For groups that want to build in coaching throughout their ministry, the initial thinking usually organizational. Who needs to approve it? How will we structure it? Whose permission do we need? How will we run the trainings? That can work well if you’re able to...

Leave them in the parking lot

  Have you ever taken a hike with unwilling children? It’s a painful experience trying to take kids along who don’t want to go. They will complain and sabotage in an effort to make the experience so miserable that everyone will want to turn back. It’s better to...

Permission vs. ownership

  A critical mistake many pastors make is they assume that if they get their governing board to give permission or approval, they’ve won the battle. It’s true that governing board permission is needed for certain initiatives, but the more critical issue isn’t...

The meeting before the meeting

  Every meeting is really three meetings:  The meeting before the meeting, the meeting itself, then the meeting after the meeting. Very often when I’m coaching people, their first instinct when they want to accomplish something is to bring it up at the meeting...

Congregational Conversations

Here’s a strategy you can use regardless of the kind of issues you are facing. Read the description below and think through how you could use this kind of strategy in your own ministry. One church has been in the process of transition. The church is two years old and...

Gaining ownership

  Effectively casting vision means more than getting consent or compliance. It means getting ownership. If the people consent to the vision, they’re essentially promising not to block you. If they have ownership of the vision, they want it to happen as much as...