
Holistic Leadership Development

Leadership - Logan LeadershipYou want to develop leaders who will do what Jesus called us to do, leaders who can take the church forward into the 21st century. You look to the fields and see them, as Jesus does, ready for harvest — and you know that’s where your ministry needs to concentrate.

What’s needed is holistic leadership development — the kind of leadership development that comes from the harvest and leads people back into the harvest, resulting in subsequent generations of new believers and new leaders living as Jesus called us to live.

We can help you develop leaders the kind of leaders you need in a way that is both relational and intentional… and ultimately effective in helping your church accomplish its mission.

Getting specific

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry... a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are and...

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The picture of a leader

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry... a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are and...

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Identifying your values

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry... a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are and...

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Examining your own ministry

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry... a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are and...

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Lost in translation

When the Chevy Nova was released in Latin America, it didn’t sell well at all.  Turns out that Nova in Spanish—or “no va”—means “it doesn’t go.”  Not a good name for a car. No wonder sales were dismal. In the same way, when you are doing ministry in another culture,...

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Positive assumption

What I’m calling positive assumption simply means assuming the best about a person. We think about this when we are trying to encourage people by pointing out something they’re doing well, but positive assumption can be every bit as helpful when someone is doing...

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Presence ministry

Early on in his ministry, Ray Bakke realized that if he was to be a true urban pastor he would have to live among those he ministered to. As a result he and his family have lived for many decades in rented apartments in inner city Chicago. John Hayes, who lives among...

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Coaching: Keep yourself out of it

A woman at a conference asked me one time what my position was on women in leadership. I responded, “I believe that leaders ought to be in leadership,” to which she responded, “Well said.” But in a coaching setting, if I am serving as the coach, my opinion on issues...

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Church under a bridge?

Here’s a new solution to the church building problem—meet under an interstate bridge. I don’t know this church or its pastor personally, but a friend of mine mentioned it to me because she knows I’m always interested in unique approaches to doing church. This church...

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The flexibility to change course

On one of Paul’s missionary journeys we was heading into the province of Asia, fully intending to preach the gospel there and plant churches as he had done in other places—a fine goal. But an odd thing happened at the border of Mysia: “They tried to enter Bithynia,...

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Four steps to uncovering the pain in your church

Why look for the pain? The point of pain is where the power of the gospel is at its strongest.  Only when we find the pain (and it IS there) can we move toward healing. Four steps to uncovering the pain: Listen. Prayerfully listen to what people are saying. What are...

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