
Holistic Leadership Development

Leadership - Logan LeadershipYou want to develop leaders who will do what Jesus called us to do, leaders who can take the church forward into the 21st century. You look to the fields and see them, as Jesus does, ready for harvest — and you know that’s where your ministry needs to concentrate.

What’s needed is holistic leadership development — the kind of leadership development that comes from the harvest and leads people back into the harvest, resulting in subsequent generations of new believers and new leaders living as Jesus called us to live.

We can help you develop leaders the kind of leaders you need in a way that is both relational and intentional… and ultimately effective in helping your church accomplish its mission.

Getting it done and thriving aren’t the same

Getting it done and thriving aren’t the same

 With more than ¾ through the year complete you’ve had your fair share of events. From Easter to VBS, Bible Studies to Sermon Series you didn’t do it on your own. There are a host of people that help ministry happen. How are those folks doing? Are your people...

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3 Kinds of Calling

3 Kinds of Calling

If you’re a Christian leader, you’ve probably found one of the most common questions people come to you with—especially younger people—is that of calling. What is my calling? What is God’s will for my life? How can I tell what God wants me specifically to do?  These...

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Why conflict isn’t all bad

Why conflict isn’t all bad

Sometimes you get tired of conflicts. People come to you with conflicts regularly, wanting you to take sides and resolve them. Sometimes they have conflicts with you. You’re tired, it hurts, people keep coming at you. Why do they never seem to be coming at you with...

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5 kinds of leadership transitions 

5 kinds of leadership transitions 

Leadership transitions can happen for a wide variety of reasons. In some cases, they are expected and a long time in coming. In other cases, they are sudden. But in all cases, transitions in leadership are difficult and need to be engaged with intentionality. Here are...

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Before the Pastor Search Begins…

When churches find themselves in need of a new senior pastor the impulse is usually to hurry the search and fill the pulpit. After all, there’s a lot of work that needs doing. And the congregation is feeling unsettled and wondering aloud, “How much longer until we get...

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A Natural Flow for Outreach

A Natural Flow for Outreach

A key ingredient in your mission for your church is outreach. You share the gospel to save souls and because it is what Jesus asked you to do in the Great Commission. But these days, outreach is getting harder. What worked in the past is no longer effective. Within...

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Experiencing God for… Skeptics? 

Is there room for skeptics in your congregation? Thomas (the disciple) gets a bad rap to this day and to be called a “Doubting Thomas” is considered an insult. Yet if you look at it from a learning styles standpoint, you will recognize that a great deal of the world...

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Getting through it all with gratitude

Getting through it all with gratitude

Balancing the highs and lows of life and ministry is a difficult part of your job. As a pastor, there are many days when you are celebrating victories and milestones one hour and the next you are sitting with someone as they say goodbye to a loved one. Maintaining...

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Who is in your corner during transitions? 

Who is in your corner during transitions? 

There’s no denying that transitions are uncomfortable. It’s an in-between time when things feel out of control and are often chaotic. Nerves are often fried, tensions are high, you may even feel lost. It is possible to navigate transitions well and the biggest tip is...

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A New Kind of Senior Pastor

A New Kind of Senior Pastor

The church down the street that once had a vibrant ministry is being torn down to build condos. It’s not uncommon these days. Like so many countries before us, the US is rapidly moving toward a Post-Christian Era. What worked before won’t work in the future. A growing...

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Who does the work of the church?

In so many Protestant churches today, the expectation is for the work of the ministry to be done by the clergy. The church staff is expected to interpret scriptures, intercede on behalf of the congregation, serve widows and orphans, disciple adults and children alike,...

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How to Link Values to Vision and Mission

People agree with your vision and mission in word but getting them to participate, well, that isn’t as easy. Where you spend your time is the embodiment of what is important to you—what you value. Identifying embodied values in yourself and those of your community is...

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