
See Lives Transformed

Discipleship - Logan LeadershipWhy did you go into ministry in the first place? Most likely you wanted to make disciples, see lives changed, see the Kingdom of God advanced. You wanted to see transformation.

Churches and ministries only grow as well as the disciples they develop. It’s time to go back to the basics with a focus on discipleship. We can help you create a simple, relational, yet focused system that can help you get traction for making disciples at all levels.

Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit

Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit

How we can we come alongside one another in times of social distancing? How can we pray together, disciple one another, help people grow, and connect with God? None of that can currently be accomplished through a program, through a gathering, or through a number of...

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What’s holding back disciplemaking?

What’s holding back the acceleration of disciplemaking movements around the world? Someone asked me this question recently and I thought hard about the answer. Here are some notes I took on some of the obstacles I see holding back the acceleration of disciplemaking...

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Top to bottom accountability

Top to bottom accountability

Within any ministry or church, a clear system of accountability is essential. Yet when things get busy, that’s one of the areas that often falls to the wayside in the midst of the urgent. We may have good intentions, but entropy can take over unless we make an ongoing...

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