Thoughts on delegation

What’s your motivation for delegation? Desire to develop others and help them grow Focus on what only you can do (God’s calling) Make a greater ministry impact: how what they are doing advances the kingdom of God Why don’t we delegate? We don’t plan ahead so things...

Balance and a full range of motion

I’ve found that people in the physical therapy field are fond of saying, “Strength is not enough– balance is also important.” Sometimes football players are incredibly strong but their balance is terrible. They need both of those to do their jobs– and all...

Corrective movement

As I’m getting prepared to take a four-day bike trip in mid-August, I’ve been doing some tune-ups.  As you may know, I had quad surgery a while back.  I did the assisted rehab and they did an outstanding job. However, I found during recovery that the body would...

A well-timed word

Quite a few years back when I was finishing up a big project, someone pointed out to me that my drivenness to get the thing done was wearing others out. That comment caused me to reflect on my workaholism and perfectionism and make some adjustments. I recognized the...

The classes I like to teach and the classes I don’t

I’ve taught a lot of different types of classes in my day– classes at all levels and in all different types of contexts. Reflecting on those experiences, I’ve found that the classes I’ve enjoyed the most don’t depend on the age or educational level of the...

The conservatory model

I was involved in a leadership network meeting with Peter Drucker back in the 80s. There were various practitioners there making presentations, and Peter added his commentary. After I gave my presentations, he got up and started talking about the rise of...