Triage plan

When disaster strikes, the first responders begin with triage. They assess the situation and determine where to start, what needs to be done, and what order to do it in. When you come into a room full of wounded people, you have a choice. Do you start with the one who...

New construction or renovation?

  Building a new house is a lot of work. You need to dig a hole, lay the foundation, construct the frame, then there’s roofing and drywall and windows and paint. There are a lot of steps and stages. Yet in many ways, new construction is a lot easier and more...

The key to leadership development…

… is knowing what you’re trying to accomplish. If you want to develop leaders—and know that you’re being successful in that endeavor—you need to get more concrete and specific about what you’re aiming for. What does a leader look like? How do you know if you have one?...

The dynamics of effective leaders

I recently had lunch with a former student of mine who is currently a church planting leader with the Vineyard in Norway.  He also works as a business consultant.  He mentioned that a major study some years back had been done jointly by BI Norwegian Business School...

You just never know…

Years ago when I was teaching a class, one of my students had a friend in town and he asked if his friend and the friend’s wife could sit in on my class that afternoon. I said sure. Just recently I saw that student again and he said, “What you did during that time...

Starting where you are

This week I’m doing a five-part series to help you critically examine and sharpen your own ministry. The goal is to create a template that will allow you to serve as a consultant for your own ministry… a way of reflecting, assessing and clarifying where you are...