8 Tips for Effective Meetings

8 Tips for Effective Meetings

Many ministry tasks can be accomplished without meetings. In general, the fewer meetings the better. But sometimes you have to have them. And when you do, effective meetings accomplish what they are supposed to accomplish. Here are a few tips for holding effective...

Small Groups: Guidelines and Norms

Every group has norms, whether they are stated or unstated, examined or unexamined. If you are overseeing small groups in your ministry, I would suggest there are significant advantages to be had by stating, examining, processing, and reinforcing small groups...
Conducting Ministry Experiments

Conducting Ministry Experiments

Over the last two years, the Church was forced to stretch and find new ways to gather and share the gospel. The invention was birthed out of necessity but as necessity waned, the interest in the innovations has largely waned as well. Yet, culture proceeds to shifts...
Is your goal to be right or to be effective?

Is your goal to be right or to be effective?

Do you want to be right or do you want to be effective? That is a critical choice for many of us as ministry leaders.  Being right ≠ being effective When I find myself in this position, a question I ask myself is this: “What do I gain by insisting on being right?...