Open vs closed questions

I’ve noticed that people who ask closed questions are most often trying to lead the other person, trying to anticipate the answer, or trying to validate their own perspective. Essentially, they are trying to control or steer the conversation to a predetermined...

Getting there early

One way to practice treating people with respect is by getting to appointments on time or early. When you leave for an appointment, always leave enough margin for the unexpected—which will often happen. By the same token, always bring something with you to do or to...

The emotional tollbooth

The emotional tollbooth is a term coined by David Nicholson, founding pastor of Open Door Church in Noblesville, Indiana, as his church was going through the Natural Church Development (NCD) process. The first step in the process is taking a survey designed to point...

The Practices of a Barnabas

I talk about Barnabas a lot. He’s one of my favorite biblical characters… probably because he functions as a behind-the-scenes coach empowering others. I heard a talk that Bubba Justice gave on the practices of a Barnabas, taken from his study of the book of Acts....

Three words

Recently friend and pastor Dennis Easter shared three words with me that he has found helpful in life and ministry… words that set the stage for a way of living different than what most of us are experiencing on a day-to-day basis. Pace, Space, and Grace Pace –...