I talk about Barnabas a lot. He’s one of my favorite biblical characters… probably because he functions as a behind-the-scenes coach empowering others. I heard a talk that Bubba Justice gave on the practices of a Barnabas, taken from his study of the book of Acts. Here are the main practices he outlines:  

  • Be generous. Acts 4:36-37
  • Champion others. Acts 9:26-27
  • Say yes. Acts 11:22-24
  • Invest in leaders. Acts 11:25-26
  • Be trustworthy. Acts 11:27-30
  • Make room for the Holy Spirit. Acts 13:1-4
  • Let others lead. Acts 13:13-16
  • Make disciples, not church members. Acts 14:21-23
  • Hold on to your convictions. Acts 15:1-5
  • Embrace faithfulness to what God has called you to. Acts 15:36-39

What could your ministry look like if you increasingly lived into these practices?