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T4T: Keeping it simple
This week’s blog series is by Dave White, a missionary with OC International in The Philippines. He shares his experience using T4T. T4T is a set of principles that weaves together evangelism, evangelism training, discipleship, and leadership development, including...
T4T: The power of Bible stories
This week’s blog series is by Dave White, a missionary with OC International in The Philippines. He shares his experience using T4T. T4T is a set of principles that weaves together evangelism, evangelism training, discipleship, and leadership development, including...
Learning from T4T
This week’s blog series is by Dave White, a missionary with OC International in The Philippines. He shares his experience using T4T. T4T (Training for Trainers) is a set of principles that weaves together evangelism, evangelism training, discipleship, and leadership...
In and through: how transformation connects to mission
I’ve been meditating on Colossians 1.28-29: “So we tell others about Christ, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all the wisdom God has given us. We want to present them to God, perfect in their relationship to Christ. That’s why I work and struggle so hard,...
Sodality and modality
Ralph Winter coined the terms sodality and modality in a little chapter in a big book that a lot of people have on their shelves but have not read: Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. The book is an anthology of articles, edited by Ralph Winter. He included...
Engaging those who won’t be engaged through traditional church
Randy Lovejoy, a pastor turned “missionary to the culture,” has had some adventures lately getting to know people he would never have encountered in his former role as pastor. He connected with a friend-of-a-friend who had hit a hard time in life and has been...
Autopsy of a failed church plant
There was a church planter who had been very successful in numerous ministries. Every ministry he was a part of flourished, grew, and was excellent. He was successful in many different contexts, and had a kind of star quality within his denomination. Then he did his...
What are your criteria?
If you simply gather your team or pull people together to do an evaluation of some particular ministry event, people will give assessment: this was good, this wasn’t good. That is everyone coming at the issue from their own perceptions. Each person has their own...
Who can benefit from coaching? You might be surprised
I recently ran across this quote from Tom Boasberg, the Superintendent of Denver Public Schools: The number one overwhelming focus that we have is the quality of our teaching. We’ve significantly increased our investment in teacher leaders who give one-on-one...
When seeing is the first step
Sometimes when you’re coaching someone and seeking to develop them in their leadership, they run up against some kind of blockage. If you probe a little further into their background, you might find the roots of the blockage. What have they experienced in ministry?...
Scanning the horizon for what’s changing
I happened to be talking with a friend of mine who owns a bike store. He told me that historically, Thanksgiving through Christmas was a major busy season. He barely had time to ride—it was crunch time for taking orders and assembling bikes. Now it’s different. It...
The follow through is what makes the difference
Yesterday’s entry was about Pastor Tad Blackburn’s experience using a retreat setting to process the results of the discipleship assessment. One observation I made was how crucial the follow through is. People could have had any number of breakthrough insights at the...