Reaping the results

We are now reaping the results of a more fragmented approach to life. Technology is wonderful—I love technology. But like everything else in a fallen world, it has its dark side if we are not careful. When we leave things on all the time, especially with...

The consecration of an altar

During my stay in Honduras, one of the churches was dedicating their altar. It was essentially a platform or stage built of red tile and going all the way across the front of the church building (partially pictured below). Humberto came up front and shared from Romans...

Making do with what we have

I had a follow up conversation with a group I met last year on my trip to Honduras– Signs of Love. They are a ministry to the deaf– you can read the background in a blog entry I wrote last year after that trip. While I was there again this year, I had a...

The intentional leader

Here’s one thing I have discovered about leaders in any culture: They’re just a bit more intentional and strategic than the other folks. I watched a leader in Honduras who had a very relaxed way of making connections with people. He’d drop by, talk for a while. In the...

The seven commands of Jesus

Below is a list of the seven commands of Jesus taught to the people of Honduras. They follow a Spanish acronym that isn’t present in the English translation. 1. Repent and believe 2. Be baptized 3. Love the people 4. Receive communion 5. Give 6. Pray 7. Teach Notice...

Pastors and elders: defining our terms

Gerardo, a mechanic-pastor I met in Honduras, made a comment in passing that I found interesting: “The reason you need elders in your church is that they focus internally. Pastors, of course, are focused externally.” The “of course” struck me. I asked him...

Leadership: recognized, not appointed

During my time in Honduras, I found the way that handle leadership fascinating. Leaders are not appointed– they are recognized through results. One of their titles of leadership is “extension chain teacher.” That title indicates someone who has raised up 10...

Faithful and persistent

On my recent trip to Honduras, I was impressed anew with some of the qualities I saw in their extension teachers. An extension teacher is essentially a church planter who has planted 10 churches. At that point, they become a regional extension teacher, providing...

What happens when extension chains break?

Yesterday I wrote about extension chains in Honduras. But what happens when they break or stop functioning? One of the stops Humberto (church multiplication movement leader for the region) made while I was along for the ride was to address one of those cases. One of...