A coaching client of mine recently made a great observation about shepherding. He said, “You can lead a sheep to the field, but you don’t shove grass down their mouths.” He was learning to not over-shepherd, but to teach people to take responsibility for themselves....
I’ve been amazed over the last month of my recuperation by how many others have been willing to come around and help me. Various people have driven me around. Someone came out and set up a wheelchair ramp for my outside stairs. People will hold elevators for me. Total...
Lately I’ve been struck by how important it is to have a ministry partner, especially if you’re leading a ministry. It’s not healthy to be by yourself and constantly giving out without receiving. We each need someone to share the load with, someone who is equally as...
This question is one of my new favorites. People almost never ask themselves this question and they’re almost always surprised when someone else asks them. They stop in their tracks, look confused for a second while they shift gears, then start thinking of all kinds...
Who do you have who prays for you? What intercessors are a part of your life? Doug prays every Tuesday for one hour and I know I’m included in that time he spends before God. I recently received a word from Doug that had the unmistakable ring of truth. Let’s not...
Note: See December 27 entry for back story. One lesson I learned from my Argentinean driver was simply to team up. While Janet and I sat in the back, our driver brought along a helper in the passenger seat. His passenger basically acted as a wingman, dealing...