Note: See December 27 entry for back story.
One lesson I learned from my Argentinean driver was simply to team up. While Janet and I sat in the back, our driver brought along a helper in the passenger seat. His passenger basically acted as a wingman, dealing with phone calls and text messages to connect with the spotters they had stationed throughout their network across the city. Reports were coming in constantly about what roads were closed and what routes were open: Squatters have taken over the soccer field—you won’t be able to get through there. Demonstrations are blocking the main road, but you should still be able to get through the alley.
I could only imagine people up in high-rises looking out their windows, texting our wingman up-to-the-moment traffic reports. Our driver wasn’t alone. He had a wingman and he had a network all over the city committed to helping him get where he needed to go.
In the same way, we can’t do missional work by ourselves—at least not very effectively. We all need people alongside us to give us assistance, work together with us, pray for us, etc.