Confirming and Safeguarding Your Vision

Confirming and Safeguarding Your Vision

You are ready to try something new. Something radical. Maybe you are inspired by someone else’s fresh but unexpected expression of ministry. Or, maybe you are feeling a tug towards something you’ve never seen done.  When we hear or see something unexpected, it’s...
Top to bottom accountability

Top to bottom accountability

Within any ministry or church, a clear system of accountability is essential. Yet when things get busy, that’s one of the areas that often falls to the wayside in the midst of the urgent. We may have good intentions, but entropy can take over unless we make an ongoing...

Outcome-based learning communities

There are three different types of networks. One comes together primarily for support. The people get together, build relationships, encourage each other, and pray for each other. As long as you show up and are helpful, the network fulfills its purpose. A second type...

Confusion as a tool of control

  From time to time, I’ve worked with people who are confused about their role or their responsibilities– about what is expected of them. Sometimes I find I haven’t communicated clearly. I slow down, then they lock in and are with me. Other...

How will you stay on track?

This entry is part of a week-long series on powerful coaching questions. This question– “How will you stay on track?”– is one that I often ask after a person has established their goal and put their action plan in place. It’s particularly helpful when the...

How is your soul?

Phil Strout is the new national director of Vineyard USA. He told me he met with a mentor for two hours every month for 15 years, and never once did the guy ask him how his church was going. The mentor’s first question was always, “How is your soul?” Then about half...

Got intercessors?

God did not create us to walk through the Christian life alone. We were made to function as part of a team. We each have blind spots. We each need support. Any ministry endeavor will only be as strong as the team that supports it. A team of intercessors should be the...