Getting there early

Getting there early

One way to practice treating people with respect is by getting to appointments on time or early. When you leave for an appointment, always leave enough margin for the unexpected—which will often happen. By the same token, always bring something with you to do or to...
Investing where you see growth

Investing where you see growth

Michael Gatlin, pastor of Duluth Vineyard and director of Multiply Vineyard, follows the practice of “investing where you see things growing.”  When you see a particular harvest field yielding good crops, how can you send in more workers to tend and harvest that...
Mile Wide, Inch Deep

Mile Wide, Inch Deep

Mile Wide, Inch Deep is the great title of the latest book by Dave Jacobs. In its pages, he outlines practical, doable steps that pastors can take that will result in real changes in their lives and ministries. It is possible to have margin in your life, even if you...

Planning and evaluation: ministry flow charts

You can use your ministry planning and evaluation process to cooperate with what God is doing. Charts like the ones below (taken from my book Releasing Your Church’s Potential) can help you develop a framework that guides your ministry priorities and decisions...