Mile Wide, Inch Deep is the great title of the latest book by Dave Jacobs. In its pages, he outlines practical, doable steps that pastors can take that will result in real changes in their lives and ministries. It is possible to have margin in your life, even if you are a pastor.

Dave can help you see your way to a different kind of ministry. If you’re feeling tired and dry of soul, this book was written for you. Instead of continuing to run yourself ragged, open your arms to embrace the contentment and peace that God has for you.

I’ve known Dave for a long time, so I’m not surprised to see how he intuitively moves the level of discussion down to the deeper things: how we define success, concerns about reputation, the desire for significance, personal ambition, how we compare ourselves with others, the need to be liked, peer approval, boredom and busyness. These under-the-surface concerns have a defining impact on how we engage our pastoral role.

Dave “gets it” on an experiential level. He has also talked with enough other pastors to see the common threads that come into play as pastor after pastor butts heads against the same wall. Having been a pastor and having coached pastors, Dave sees the problem of busyness from all sides. He addresses the problem with empathy and helps pastors feel understood without ever feeling let off the hook… for the goal is not to come to terms with our busy-ness, but to overcome it.

Mile Wide, Inch Deep: Experiencing God Beyond the Shallows, Soul Care for Busy Pastors and the Rest of Us

Humorist Artemus Ward, a favorite author of President Abraham Lincoln, estimated the river Platte to be “a mile wide and an inch deep.” Many pastors, if they were honest, would say that Ward could have easily been describing their own spirituality. They are a mile wide, and an inch deep. If you feel like your […]

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