Start with listening prayer

Yesterday, our house church spent time in listening prayer. We asked God questions and waited quietly to sense the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Questions raised included ones like: Lord, what should be be asking you? What have you already shown us? Where are...

If you’re not falling, you’re not learning

Learning to do ministry is like learning to ski; we can’t do it in a classroom. There may be certain elements that could be described in a classroom, but any self-respecting ski instructor is going to take you out on the slopes first thing. You start at the lowest...

A recent leader meeting

I recently had a campfire meeting with the leaders of ViaCordis, the church we’re starting. ViaCordis is Latin for “way of the heart”. And we connect with our leaders regularly in what we call “campfires.” I wanted to help the leaders get a clear picture of the...

Measuring the fruit

When I posted last time about rethinking church subsidies, I mentioned investing in leaders that have fruit rather than just potential. Some readers wondered how I would define fruit. Many of us are rightly skeptical of a system that counts success as full pews and...