Do we need more churches?

Back when I lived and pastored in Rancho Cucamonga (yes, there really is city by that name), I happened across a Chamber of Commerce brochure for the city. It was one of those propaganda pieces that communicates: “This is the best place in the world to work, live,...

The tyranny of the model

One of my mentors is Carl George. He was strategically involved when I was a church planter and throughout my ministry– sometimes as a consultant and sometimes in more of a mentoring role. One of the things he cautioned me about was what he called “the tyranny...

The synagogue splitting strategy

We’ve been going through the book of Acts recently in our church gathering. It’s been interesting to take another look at Paul’s church planting strategy. He was seeking to make disciples, so he’d go to the synagogue where he would find God-fearing gentiles who were...