Elephants or mice?

Sometimes the reason church multiplication doesn’t happen is because we think of church as a big entity:  you have to multiply a worship service, a staff, a children’s program, etc. It’s like an elephant multiplying. It can be done, but it’s difficult and it takes a...
Church Planting Canada

Church Planting Canada

Last week I was in Vancouver Canada at a gathering for Church Planting Canada addressing crucial issues in church planting. It was very encouraging to see the number of people who were actually practitioners seeking to be incarnational and missional. I talked about...

John Wesley

  As many of you who know me are aware, one of my personal heroes is John Wesley. I love it that not only did he lead evangelistic meetings that brought thousands to Christ, but that he also created a follow-up system for the post-conversion period. In doing so,...

The starfish group

One woman in my church plant has started a new group. One of the members, new to both the group and the church, wanted to call the group “the starfish group,” after the book The Starfish and the Spider—with the idea being that the group is set up to multiply right...