Holistic formation counters consumer Christianity

For several years, I worked with a ministry that put on retreats for Christian leaders to learn practices that would nurture their spiritual formation – most for the very first time. I watched many of these leaders experience the transformation that comes from...

Beyond spiritual formation

Have you ever experienced a challenge that compelled you to reach deep into your soul in search of the resources you needed to meet it? You feel equipped to deal with the challenge, but when you reach into that space – hunting for wisdom and answers –...

On-ramps for bringing people on-board

I live in Pasadena near the oldest freeway in the country– the 110. In the oldest section of that freeway, they have stop signs just before you enter the freeway. There’s a stop sign, then you have literally 50 feet to get onto the freeway. You have to sit there...

Investing where you see growth

Michael Gatlin, pastor of Duluth Vineyard and director of Multiply Vineyard, follows the practice of “investing where you see things growing.”  When you see a particular harvest field yielding good crops, how can you send in more workers to tend and harvest that...

Vineyard movement: Everybody gets to play

Everybody gets to play– that’s one of my favorite sayings from the Vineyard movement. But here’s a question: If everybody gets to play, where’s the playbook? What are the little pieces that you can help people with so they can participate more easily? Here are...

Video clip training

A while back I was thinking of ways to make training more easily reproducible, and I came up with the idea of video clip training. Basically, you identify the material you need to cover and break it down into little units. Do a 3-5 minute video clip for each unit to...