A while back I was thinking of ways to make training more easily reproducible, and I came up with the idea of video clip training. Basically, you identify the material you need to cover and break it down into little units. Do a 3-5 minute video clip for each unit to cover the content, and then design a process for people to interact with or apply the idea between segments.

I’ve found that this is a very effective way to deliver training. It allows the content to be delivered concisely and clearly, and it empowers on-site people to facilitate the training without carrying the full load themselves.

This is how I have put together my Barnabas Coach Training with Dave DeVries. The small video units paired with brief interactions between them create a practical training system that is at once more functional and more reproducible. You can see how that training looks here.

I was a coaching a leader and gave him this same idea for a training he wanted to put together for his denomination. He ran with it, producing a whole series of 3-5 minute presentations on his topic. Then he wrote some participant guides to go with it. In this way, you can provide training on almost anything.

If doing something like that is interesting to you, I’d be happy to sit down and consult with you to talk through what those kinds of processes could look like in your context.