The Logan Leadership approach to consulting

Can you see so much more potential for your ministry than is currently being lived out? Are you frustrated with the status quo and discouraged by failed attempts? Do you lead a congregation in decline that could be growing instead? We can help. You can meet needs in...

The four principles of resource development

Here are the four principles we use at Logan Leadership that form the basic approach to how we go about developing resources: Principle-based: Certain things are timeless: the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in his church, the great commission Jesus left us...

Resource development with Logan Leadership

At Logan Leadership, we love resource development. It’s long been a favorite venture to come alongside organizations and create resources geared specifically to their goals and needs. I’m currently revamping my whole website and integrating it more with my blog....

Pastoring the City

I am often amused at young church planters that launch out with the perspective that it is up to them to reach the city for Jesus. As a church planter myself, I remember thinking our church would be the better alternative than the church down the road. How needed were...

Directions for the future

Every few years I engage in the painful– yet ultimately rewarding and productive– process of updating my website. Now is that season. Not only am I redesigning the site, but I’m coordinating how I do my blog, tweets, and newsletters. So you’ll see some...