At Logan Leadership, we love resource development. It’s long been a favorite venture to come alongside organizations and create resources geared specifically to their goals and needs.

I’m currently revamping my whole website and integrating it more with my blog. New resources will be a significant part of that.

So here’s how you can help me. What new resources do you need?  At Logan Leadership, we recognize that you may have a need for contextualized resources that are adapted specifically to your context.

That’s where the fun comes in. We love taking timeless principles and adapting them to provide practical help in the here and now.

Here are just a few examples of the many resources we have developed:

  • A video-based coach training geared toward laypeople that can be done on-site just a few hours per month.
  • An online, 360 degree discipleship assessment tool to help people discern where they are on their spiritual journey and where they need to grow.
  • A set of discipleship guides based on the above-mentioned survey, but adapted for a specific denomination and also translated into Spanish.
  • A church multiplication coaching guide geared toward denominational leaders overseeing networks of church planters.

In what areas do you need resourcing?  What do you wish you had that would help you do ministry more effectively and more fruitfully? Leave me a comment here on the blog.